Maintain a clean face.

You should rinse your face twice a day to remove dirt, dead cells, and excess oil from the surface of your skin regardless of if or not you have acne. Use a light face cleanser and warm water. Inflamed skin might be further irritated by using harsh soap, such as deodorant body soap.

Do not use abrasive scrubbers such as cloth, an exfoliation glove, or an exfoliating loofah to remove dead skin cells (a coarse-textured sponge). Use a very delicate fabric or your hands to cleanse it. Dry your skin with a clean cloth once you’ve washed it thoroughly. Throw the material in the washing basket since dirty towels can spread germs. The washcloth should be used only once.


Always use a lotion to keep your skin from drying out and peeling, as many acne solutions contain drying components.

Make use of over-the-counter acne treatment.

There is no need for a prescription for these acne treatments. Start with a modest amount at first in case they induce drying or peeling. Afterward, you’ll be able to alter how much and how often you use it. If you have delicate skin, be careful with these items.

Makeup should be used sparingly.

Avoid using foundation, powder, or blush when you’re experiencing a breakout. Wash your face at night if you have applied any makeup during the day. Opt for oil-free cosmetics that don’t contain any additional colors or chemicals if at all possible.

Consider the products you use in your hair.

Ensure you don’t use any hair products with scents or oils on your hair. They can clog your pores and disturb your skin if they touch your face. Use a mild wash and conditioner for your hair. Ensure to wash your hair frequently, especially if you’re experiencing breakouts. Is your hair long? Make sure to keep it far from your face at all times.

Your hands should be away from your face.

Keep your hands away from your face and your cheeks and chin propped up. In addition to spreading bacteria, touching inflamed facial skin can irritate it further. Don’t use your fingers to pick or pop pimples, as this might cause an infection and scars.

Take care of your skin by feeding it.

Pimples aren’t caused by eating certain foods such as chocolate, according to most dermatologists. Still, it’s a good idea to eat more fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy grains, as well as to avoid oily foods and junk food. Acne may be exacerbated by dairy and sugary diets. Avoid them.

Every day, get some exercise in.

The benefits of regular exercise extend to your skin as well. To avoid irritating your skin when exercising, avoid wearing clothing or using workout equipment that rubs against the surface of your skin. After a workout, take a shower or bath to clean yourself off.


If you have any doubts, consult a dermatologist to determine whether or not you require additional therapy to stop or prevent acne.